Democracy is comin' to the USA
With apologies to Leonard Cohen

David Sherman
The voters have decided
Hate’s not really sin
Polish your swastikas
And be a good Christian
America is beautiful
America is so great
We’re loading up our guns
With 45-calibres of hate
Democracy has spoken
Our nation t’is of thee
Unless you’re the purest white
You’re the vermin enemy
Courts all do our bidding
Prisons we’re proud to fill
With the ragged and the coloured
And those we haven’t killed
Oh, we are the greatest
Mightiest and true
The seas are disappearing
Who cares they’re not blue
We’re sucking up the dollars
Our pockets are well lined
Plug in the big, wide TV
It’s easier if you’re blind
Oh, say can you see
And sing Amazing Grace
We’ll stick in the knife and twist
With a smile on our face
Women are possessions
Pretty, blond and sweet
Keep ‘em barefoot in the kitchen
And rape ‘em in the suites
Good Lord’s on our side
Education is of ill-repute
We’re proud to stand our ground
So, if you’re Black we’re gonna shoot
We got bombs and planes aplenty
Our missiles fly straight and true
If you’re gonna mess with us
We’ll happily bury you
Excellent! You should really attach an audio version...
It feels like watching a once-dear friend return to the loathsome arms of an abusive partner.