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Bender on the grass

(Editor’s note: This is the latest addition to this blog’s periodic Reader’s Digest, Humour in Cannabis collection, to which you are more than welcome to contribute a joke, quote, cartoon, true anecdote or a false memory from the men and women in the baked forces. This one happens to be true.)

Except for some unsuccessful experiments with gummies when I was undergoing daily radiation treatments for cancer a few years ago and desperate to find a way to fall asleep, I last indulged in the vice in 2010, when the then city editor of the Victoria Times Colonist gifted me with a special brownie she had baked.

I avidly devoured it on my next day off and was just beginning to feel the effects when my wife’s very conservative, very Christian cousin and his pious wife dropped in unexpectedly on a visit to Vancouver Island.

We had all previously lived in Montreal and once celebrated our daughter’s birthday with a bucket I picked up at a nearby Poulet frit à la Kentucky in Dorval that no longer exists.

They wanted to see Emily Carr’s grave, so we took them to Ross Bay Cemetery, where the search took much longer than it should have due to my pleasantly addled brain. As we browsed, we chanced across headstones for a Spicer and an Erb.

Before I had a chance to think it through, I found myself speculating excitedly that if we conducted a thorough ground search, we might be able to find 11 different Erbs and Spicers.

A finger-lickin’ silence ensued. Never did find Emily Carr.

But guess where we went for lunch. — Earl Fowler, Victoria, B.C.

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